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Updates to author guidelines, please read before submitting

Gender in Management: An International Journal

Types of Manuscripts and Requirements
For all submissions, authors should consider and include in their manuscript:
•    Their approach in relation to the subject, context and emphasis of their research aims within the boundaries of this journal
•    How the work advances the ongoing debates in the Gender in Management: An International Journal
•    What the reader will learn from the work, what the contribution(s) is/are to theory and/or practice
•    Why this is important in terms of the significance of the contribution in making an academic impact, e.g. if published, what will others’ cite the paper in regards to?
•    What the practical impact, implications and/or recommendations are of the work e.g. what can managers, leaders, policy makers or diversity and development professionals and in particular,  women in management take into their practice?
Manuscripts drawing upon empirical research with people, must comply to their own organisation’s ethical protocols/policies.
Manuscripts which do not address the above will not be considered by the Editor.

Avoid anything in the text which might be actionable and do not use sexist or biased language that could be interpreted as denigrating.
The Editor welcomes papers based on original empirical research (approx. 6000 - 8000 words) which offer analysis of recent gender in management studies and which develop theoretical and practical contributions to the GIM field and practice.  It is not enough that a paper offers a well drawn case study. There should be a clear statement of the research aims of the paper, clear theoretical bases, outlining of rigorous research approaches, methodologies and methods, explicit indication of how the synthesis theoretically contributes to the current research base and how the conclusions impact upon practice.

Alternatively conceptual research papers (approx. 6000 - 8000 words) are also welcome, where the aim is to critique, integrate and/or systematically review the current research base in order to theoretically synthesise areas of the GIM field and/or highlight areas for future empirical research, thus contributing to theoretical developments.  Again, there should be an explicit statement of the research aims of the paper, clear theoretical bases, outlining of rigorous approaches taken to reviewing current research, consideration of how the synthesis theoretically contributes to the research base and the potentiality of how the conclusions can influence future research and impact upon practice.  Please note that reviews of literature will not be published, unless they are a critique identifying future research directions and/or offer new theoretical contributions.

As a means of catalysing the progress of GIM research and practice, short Thought Pieces (approx 3,000 words) are welcome which outline thought pieces and polemics on gender in management and leadership issues.  Alternatively they may be a rejoinder to a recent article published in the journal.  Thought pieces can start up or redirect a line of enquiry, integrate across disciplines, deliberately challenge mainstream views or provide controversial views.  By their very nature, the subjects discussed will be timely, controversial, grounded and contextualised within the interdisciplinary GIM fields.  These may result from specific community discussions concerning GIM e.g. Conference Tracks, Workshops, from international, legislative and/or policy developments.  Manuscripts must not contain personalized attacks.  Again there should be a clear statement of the aims of the piece, explanation as to the context, recognition of other points of view, clear theoretical bases, and explicit indication of how the piece influences and progresses current and future research and/or practice in GIM.  Therefore a clear contribution to the research base and potentiality for impact upon practice should be included.  Thought pieces should have the same rigor, style and tone as full length manuscripts providing compelling evidence for the arguments.  Thought pieces are different from full papers in that the contribution either has a narrower audience; it is more limited in its contribution or comments on previous published papers in GIM. 
Structuring Your Paper
The key words provided for the paper should be accurate descriptions for indexing and web searches of your manuscript.
The title should be carefully constructed reflecting the subject of the paper and key words.  Authors should be mindful of the usefulness of titles / key words to others in search engines.
Manuscripts should begin with an introduction (1.5-2 pages) which includes aims/objectives of the research, the research question, its context, importance, relationship with the subject, context and emphasis of the journal and how the research advances the current research base and practice. The introduction should also include a short paragraph on the structure of the remainder of the paper. 
A 3-5 page critical analysis of the empirical and theoretical research base follows to ground your research question/hypotheses.  The sources should have a direct bearing on the topic under study. 
The context of the empirical work, theoretical concepts and/or international setting can then be introduced followed by the research approach taken which is explicit in its explanation of how and when you collected data/reviewed literature and how analysed.
In the findings/synthesis section which follows, use thematic sub-headings which link to your research question.  Ensure you include a discussion section which draws together the paper within current research and practice, enabling you to explicitly communicate the contribution, impact and practical implications of your research.  Include a conclusion section.
Manuscripts must not be impenetrably academic but should be readable and understandable as the audiences of GIM have varied backgrounds.  Shorter sentences and varied sentence length helps develop interesting and readable papers.  Avoid particularly technical terms and jargon.  Check and correct grammar and spellings, consistent formatting, hyphenation, paired commas and page numbers for direct quotes, full reference lists and details, before submitting
Please state in your covering letter to the Editor and on the first page of your paper, what type of submission you are making and outline a brief summary of how the work advances the ongoing debates in the Gender in Management: An International Journal, what the reader will learn from the work, what the contribution(s) is/are to theory and / or practice and why this is important in terms of the significance of the contribution.  We shall be reviewing these processes over the coming months.
The Reviewing Process
Each manuscript is first considered by the Editor against the objectives, scope and requirements of the journal.  If judged suitable, the Editor will review the manuscript and make a decision as to whether the manuscript will be sent out to reviewers for double blind review.  Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the Editor will decide whether the manuscript is accepted for publication, revised or rejected.  This process is a general one and the Editor may in some circumstances vary this process.
As the review process is anonymous you must remove all material from the manuscript that identifies you. Please do not refer to yourself or any of your published/unpublished research. If you are citing yourself, please include the publication date and Author or Author et al., (e.g. Author, 2019) in the manuscript but do not include any details in the reference section.
Resubmitting Your Manuscript
Authors should take care to address the reviewers’ and Editor’s comments in detail and your amendments and how you have addressed reviewers’ comments should be outlined methodically in a covering letter to the Editor i.e. list each point for revision and describe how you have addressed each point.  If you choose not to address a point, then explain your position in relation to it and why you have made this decision.  Any revised manuscript will then be sent out for further review. The Editor will then either reject or conditionally accept your manuscript for publication and you may be asked to make further revisions which will then be returned as before, but will only be seen by the Editor.  The final stage regarding publication or not, lies with the Editor.