EJIM Introduces Real Impact Articles

European Journal of Innovation Management

The European Journal of Innovation Management is pleased to announce the introduction of a new manuscript type: Real Impact Articles

Research articles will typically what we think the impact is going to be. Whilst impact articles are about the impact that has happened. The impact article facilitates knowledge exchange about impact, not the underlying research conceptualization and methodologies. Namely, how to collaborate on, design, develop, and demonstrate impact. That is, the change itself, delivered as a result of research.

Impact articles will need to be written not upon completion of research but at the point of or subsequent to the actual change (or changes) which has resulted from it.

Difference in Manuscript Types 

Real Impact Article  

The Real Impact article aims to promote the creation and sharing of new knowledge about the impact resulting from research findings. It is desirable, although not necessary, that these articles are the result of collaboration between scholars and practitioners from business, government, third sector, community. The contribution can be conceived as the effective impact in terms of transformative and innovative outcomes for the development of insights, new solutions and best practices for industry, market and society.

Original Article  

Original articles are methodologically sound conceptual and empirical papers with a relevant contribution for the state-of-the-art in innovation management and clear implications for theory and practice.  

The maximum length should be between 10000 and 11000 words, including all text, e.g., the structured abstract, a concise title, references, all text in tables, and figures and appendices.   

Please allow 280 words for each figure or table. 

Book Reviews   

The aim of Book Reviews is to provide a critical synthesis of a book’s strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate the originality, the ability to satisfy the target audience and to produce new information and conceptualization.   

Authors should assess and discuss the presence of adequate evidence to support the theses proposed, the theoretical soundness, the main motivations that can attract readers and the impact on their practice.


Keeling, D.I. and Marshall, G.W. (2022), "A call for impact! Launch of the new impact article", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56 No. 9, pp. 2509-2514.