British Food Journal (Emerald) to participate in the 2021 Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge (ACIEK) Annual Conference-Sorbonne University (Paris)

British Food Journal

The British Food Journal is proud to announce a partnership with the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge (ACIEK). The collaboration will allow the best papers on food presented at the 14th ACIEK conference to be included in special issues/sections on the British Food Journal.

The 14th ACIEK Conference “Innovation, Management and Governance for Sustainable Growth” will be held in Paris (France) from June 14th to June 16th, 2021. 

One of the aims of the Conference is to select papers that, depending on the quality, will constitute special issues or special sections to be published in the British Food Journal.

The selection and review of articles will be carried out, firstly, by the Conference Scientific Committee. Those papers that do not reach the required standards of quality and rigor demanded by British Food Journal, in terms of theoretical framework and methodology, will not be accepted for presentation at the Conference. Then papers will be reviewed by ACIEK Editorial Advisory Board. Finally, decisions will be taken by the Editors of the journal. Papers should be highly relevant, with a clear orientation to the overall topics of the British Food Journal.

Once the Conference has concluded, the Editors will decide which papers are to be recommended for inclusion in the special issue/s of the British Food Journal. Depending on the quality of submissions, best papers will be published in the special issue, making this and subsequent Conferences organized by the Academy quite unique. 

The deadline for submitting papers is February 1st, 2021. Submissions should be sent to the Conference webpage (