Professor Lee Parker inducted into Australian Accounting Hall of Fame

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal

Professor Lee Parker inducted into Australian Accounting Hall of Fame

We at Emerald are delighted to share in the announcement of the induction of Distinguished Professor Lee Parker into the Australian Accounting Hall of Fame, which takes place on Wednesday, 4 March 2020 at the University of Melbourne. This appointment is truly well deserved and represents Lee’s long and outstanding contributions to accounting academia and beyond. Lee is joint founding editor of AAAJ and has undertaken this role in an exemplary fashion for more than 33 consecutive years. AAAJ is a top-quality Emerald journal and is ranked as an A* journal by the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC). Lee is a prolific researcher and is consistently published across the world's leading accounting journals in the areas in which constitute his research specialisations.
Lee has also been part of the advent or development of other institutions such as CSEAR, APIRA, as well as other academic and professional accounting associations in Australia and beyond. This highlights his contribution made in collaboration with a global community dedicated to the creation and use of qualitative interdisciplinary Accounting, Auditing and Accountability knowledge.
On a personal level, despite working with Lee for a relatively short amount of time, I am consistently aware of Lee’s humility in the face of his achievements. Indeed, this announcement was made in consultation with Senior Editorial representatives of AAAJ rather than with Lee himself! However, it is this humility that keeps Lee engaged with multiple personalities across multiple issues, and multiple countries – encouraging the current and future generations to answer the “big questions” and to solve the greatest challenges facing us all in the form of “wicked problems”.
Finally, it is important to add that Lee would be the first to point out that this is a contribution made in collaboration with a vibrant and growing global community dedicated to the advancement of interdisciplinary accounting research and publication. This community renders insightful understandings of the impacts of both accounting emergence and accounting change on organisational and social functioning and development and contributes positively to the common cause of humanity.

Best wishes

Aidan Morrison
Publisher of AAAJ
Emerald Publishing Limited