Emerald's partnership with Silverchair

Frequently asked questions

We are partnering with Silverchair to launch a refreshed Emerald Insight in summer 2025.

This exciting evolution of our content platform reflects our commitment to publishing impactful applied research and to fostering an inclusive environment where all voices are heard.

A leader in innovative publishing technology, Silverchair shares our dedication to responsible publishing and together we seek to broaden participation; engage new audiences and make research more accessible and usable.

Please find below some FAQ’s about our relaunch.

General questions

1. Why are you moving to a new platform?

We want to provide the best academic publishing experience possible. To do that, we need to offer the best-in-class technology available to ensure authors research receives the deserved exposure; our journals, books, and case studies are easily discoverable and accessible to readers, and our customers will benefit from all Emerald and ICE Publishing content being on one platform.

2. Why are your partnering with a vendor rather than developing the new Emerald Insight internally?

Being part of a development community offers easier alignment with industry standards around security, stability and accessibility, whilst enabling Emerald teams to focus on user experience and feature development; and to identify the areas where we can add most value to the end to end publishing process.

3. What will be changing?

We will be sharing full details over the coming months on specific changes you can expect to see.

4. What are the benefits of the refresh?

Moving Emerald Insight to the Silverchair platform will provide more accessible and consistent features to remain safe and secure. We’ll still be making the key decisions on user experience, content presentation, navigation, and discovery. Emerald will still be the driving force behind what we do with our content, while benefiting from the advanced technology Silverchair can provide. We will still deliver our core content via this platform and will look to minimise the impact as much as possible, but we will also benefit from new features and capabilities so there may be some differences to how the platform looks and feels.

5. When will the new platform launch?

We plan to launch the new Emerald Insight in summer 2025.

6. Will the URL change?

The home URL will remain the same – www.emerald.com/insight; and when the new site goes live all existing Emerald Insight base URLs will remain the same. There will be changes to the URLs for ICE Publishing content, which will be migrated over from ICE Virtual Library. We will provide further guidance on updating links for ICE Publishing content over the coming months.

7. Will I be able to access all the same content that I could on the old platform?

Yes, all Journal, Book and Case content that is available on the current Insight platform will be migrated. All ICE Publishing content previously accessed on ICE Virtual Library will be migrated. Your access entitlements will remain the same.

8. How has customer feedback informed the new platform?

One of the main reasons for the migration is to ensure our content platform is the best it can be for all users. We’ve taken on board all of the feedback, pain points and challenges that we’ve received on our current platform to guide decisions on the new platform. We have also engaged with a number of customers to assist with site review and testing during development to ensure that we have taken feedback into account.
9. Will there be any further developments to the platform after it’s launched?

Yes, there will be continuous development on the platform after launch. Being part of the Silverchair community means we will benefit from developments that are made for the platform as a whole – ensuring we are always up to date with industry expectations on security, stability, authentication, SEO and accessibility. In addition, we will continuously using customer interactions and feedback to evolve the platform and improve user experience.

10 .Will my login details remain the same?

When the new platform launches, we will ask you set up a new password for your login to preserve the security of your access. We’ll reach out to you on the relevant email address at launch with more details on how to do this.

11. Will you be providing user guides for the new platform?

Yes, all user and admin guides will be updated ready for launch.

12. Where do I direct my general enquiries?

If you have any questions or want to reach out to us with any feedback, please email [email protected]

13. Is the site compatible with mobile devices?

Yes, the new site is mobile compatible.

14. Will the new site meet global accessibility standards?

We are committed to ensuring our content is accessible.

The Silverchair platform targets WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliance and work continues to ensure that the standard is maintained and continually improved on as the guidelines change.

However, platform accessibility is only part of the story and we are also working to improve our content accessibility as part of the platform migration. We’re working with a third party, DCL, to improve the accessibility and discoverability of our content. The work we’re doing includes ePub3 development, supporting accessibility standards. In addition, we are looking at our workflows and processes to include alt text descriptions to our content as a core part of our provision.

15. What are the key new features of the platform?

  • Variety of content: The new platform will support different content formats, including non-article content, offering the option to present important associated content alongside traditional articles and aligning with open research practices through data availability statements and supplements
  • Curated content collections: enabling users to discover related content.
  • Pay per view: available across all content types, including entire books and case studies
  • ORCID links: If authors provide an ORCiD as part of the submission process, this can be included in the article metadata and provide a link to the profile from authored articles.
  • Content highlights: Recent; Most-Read; Top-Cited articles will be presented in real-time; open access content will be clearly signposted and content recommendations will be personalised to the user to help readers find relevant content effectively and quickly.

16. Will there be any minimum technical specifications required to access the new site, if so what are these?

Emerald Insight will be available via the current versions of modern browsers. We ask that you ensure that you are not on a discontinued browser.

17. What do I need to do to maintain my access to Emerald Insight?

All existing profiles on Emerald Insight will migrate over to the new platform. Information will be sent to you at launch about any action you need to take to access the new site.

18. What will the impact be on AIP (access in perpetuity) holdings?

We will share further information over the coming weeks on any impact the refreshed platform will have on AIP holdings and how institutions can maintain access.

Author/editor/reviewer questions

19. As an author / editor / reviewer, what will happen to the access I receive on the platform as part of my engagement with you?

As an author you will continue to have perpetual access to content you have authored; and as an editor or reviewer you will have tokens to utilise on our platform or continual access to the publications you work on. These will be provisioned via your profile on Emerald Insight.

20. Should I let my authors, editorial team and reviewers know about the change to a new platform and how it’ll affect them?

A message has gone out to all of our authors, editors and reviewers so your colleagues should also be aware of the change to the platform. However, do feel free to discuss this change and let us know of any questions that you may have.

21. Do you expect to see a change in usage patterns for my journal/article after launch?

We will be monitoring usage patterns across the entire platform as we make this transition to ensure that we don’t experience any reduction in our anticipated usage. We will be ensuring that all associated routes into the platform are updated and supported as required – including SEO and discovery services.

Librarian/administrator questions

22. Will I be able to access the Account Management Portal on the refreshed platform?

We will be creating a new Institutional Administrator Dashboard  on the new platform. Your existing licenses, products and administrative accounts will be migrated over from the previous platform. In addition, ICE Publishing content will also be available in the same place, reducing the administrative effort for anyone who subscribes to both Emerald and ICE Publishing content.

23. How will COUNTER reporting be impacted?

We will be following the COUNTER compliance guidelines and ensuring that we maintain a minimum of the current year plus the prior 24 months of usage data via the Institutional Administrator Dashboard.

24. Should we expect to see a drop in usage when the platform launches?

We will be monitoring usage patterns across the entire platform as we make this transition to ensure that we don’t experience any reduction in our anticipated usage. We will be ensuring that all associated routes into the platform are updated and supported as required – including SEO and discovery services. We will be working hard to minimise any negative impact to usage during this transition.

25. Will you run training sessions on the new platform for us and for our end users?

We'll be sharing more details of upcoming training and resources to get you and your users familiar with the new platform over the coming weeks and months.

End-user questions

Will my current TOC alerts be saved?
Will my saved searches be retained?
Will I still have access to previously purchased PPV content?

We’re currently working through the migration of specific content associated with individual profiles and will share more on this over the coming weeks.


If you have any questions that have not been anwered here, or you want to reach out to us with any feedback, please email [email protected]