Low Carbon Concrete

Guest editor(s)

Peter Hewlett (Editor), University of Dundee, UK ------------------------


In situ piling trial at Newman Street.

Dunster and Marriott (2023) 


The Editorial Board of Magazine of Concrete Research warmly invites authors to submit Papers for peer review on the topical theme of Low Carbon Concrete

Magazine of Concrete Research is a Q2 (Web of Science and Scopus) specialist ICE Publishing journal.

Interested authors are recommended to first read the journal homepage and guidelines for authors (using the provided MS Word template).

Authors are warmly invited to prepare 5,000-word Papers addressing the following topics:

  • current materials
  • and design research based on low carbon footprint /concretes. 

Examples of materials changes and their application should be both detailed and commented upon.

Paper submission website.

Deadline for Paper submission: 16 September 2024.

If you have a question, please contact the Commissioning Editor Benjamin Ramster.