Emerging Dynamics in Mega-Sports Event Tourism: Strategies, Management, and Legacy


Mega sports events are characterized by their extensive scale, the intense emotions they evoke among audiences, significant media coverage, substantial business sponsorships, and their role as a unique tourist attraction for the host city. While tourism linked to mega sports events had previously emerged as a notable trend within the industry (Singh & Hu, 2008; Gaudette et al., 2017), it has experienced a severe downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, events such as the 24th Winter Olympics in Beijing and the 32th Olympic Games in Tokyo, were primarily presented to the public through media channels (Jiang et al., 2023). In 2024, the 33rd Olympic Games represent a milestone as one of the first global mega-sports events in the post-pandemic era, potentially signaling a resurgence of inbound tourism for the host city. Embracing up-to-date innovations from digital transformation, offering more personalized hospitality experiences, and prioritizing sustainable development, the Paris 2024 Olympics continue the values of previous mega-sports events while heralding a new era in the tourism of mega-sports events. 

Mega-sports event tourism is a growing area of study within the field of tourism research. Previous research has discussed various aspects of this subject, such as tourists’ event attendance motives and host city evaluation (Jiang & Chen, 2019), the impact of mega-sports events on inbound tourism (Fourie & Santana-Gallego, 2019), overtourism and support for mega-sports events (Schnitzer et al., 2021), and local residents’ expectations (Feilhauer et al., 2023). Despite the fact that previous research has generated valuable insights into the nexus between mega-sports events and tourism, the current body of literature on this distinct tourism phenomenon remains limited. This is surprising, considering the most recent developments in mega-sports event tourism management, such as the integration of digital technology, a growing emphasis on sustainability initiatives, enhanced safety and security measures, improved accessibility and inclusivity, and the prevalence of smart infrastructure. These advancements have the potential to transform the spectator’s experience, interactions among diverse stakeholders, practices in tourism and hospitality management, and the legacy produced by the mega-sports events. 

Given these new developments in the management of tourism for mega-sports events, this special issue aims to delve into emerging trends, strategies, processes, and outcomes that reflect advancements in technology, sustainable development, stakeholder engagement, and tourist experience management in this area. Theoretical, empirical, and case study research from various disciplines is welcomed, such as tourism and hospitality, marketing, service management, information systems, and sports management, to rigorously address research gaps and provide theoretical and practical implications. 

Topics of interest of this special issue include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Mega-sports event host city branding in the post-pandemic era
  • The application of digital marketing strategies in mega-sports event tourism
  • Mega-sports event management using advanced information and communication technologies
  • New developments in mega-sports event tourist experience management
  • Interactions between mega-sports event tourists and the local community
  • Dynamics of partnerships between different stakeholders of mega-sports events
  • Innovations in accommodation management and resulting guest evaluations (e.g., hotels, serviced apartments, shared accommodations)
  • The impact of mega-sports events on urban regeneration
  • The intersection of sports, tourism, and public health in the context of mega-sports events
  • Volunteer training, volunteer tourism, and volunteer engagement at mega-sports events
  • Design and implementation of cultural programs and entertainment beyond sports at mega-sports events
  • The role of mega-sports events in promoting sports tourism, active lifestyle, and overall well-being
  • The promotion of inclusion to leave a long-lasting legacy
  • Pursuit of sustainable development goals by mega-sports events and their impacts on tourism
  • Leveraging the mega-sports event legacy for tourism development of the host city

Guest Editors

Yangyang Jiang
University of Nottingham Ningbo China 
[email protected] 

Tzung-Cheng TC Huan
Maejo University, Thailand
[email protected] 

Anestis Fotiadis
Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]

Submissions Information

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Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key Deadlines

Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 30/11/2024

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 31/05/2025



Feilhauer, E., Schnitzer, M., Walde, J., & Tappeiner, G. (2023). What residents of potential Olympic cities want: Using conjoint analysis to deal with dominant and heterogeneous preferences. Current lssues in Tourism, 26(13), 2101-2114.
Fourie, J., & Santana-Gallego, M. (2022). Mega-sport events and inbound tourism: New data, methods and evidence. Tourism Management Perspectives, 43, 101002.
Gaudette, M., Roult, R, & Lefebvre, S. (2017). Winter Olympic Games, cities, and tourism: A systematic literature review in this domain. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 21(4), 287-313.
Jiang, Y, & Chen, N. (2019). Event attendance motives, host city evaluation, and behavioral intentions: An empirical study of Rio 2016. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(8), 3270-3286.
Jiang, Y., Lyu, C., Chen, W., & Wen, J. (2023). Following mega sports events on social media impacts Gen Z travelers’ sports tourism intentions: the case of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-15.
Schnitzer, M., Winner, H., & Tappeiner, G. (2021). Over tourism and support for sports mega events. Annals of Tourism Research, 88, 103065.
Singh, N., & Hu, C. (2008). Understanding strategic alignment for destination marketing and the 2004 Athens Olympic Games: Implications from extracted tacit knowledge. Tourism Management, 29(5), 929-939.