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Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth

Series cover: Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth

ISSN: 1048-4736

Editor: Sherry Hoskinson and Donald Kuratko
Subject: Enterprise and Innovation (view other series in this subject area)Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index logo. Scopus logo.
Volumes from this series are included in the
Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index

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Also available in our: Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection
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Information Page

Editorial Objectives
Key Benefits
Key Audiences
Contact the Editorial Team

Editorial Objectives

This series aims to present the latest research on entrepreneurship, innovation and the impact on economic performance.


Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth (ASEIEG) provides a timely and relevant discussion and exploration of entrepreneurial topics, their impact, and ties to key values in today’s society, such as social, environmental and economic issues and challenges. Topics range from aspects of entrepreneurial behavior to determinants of entrepreneurial research with contributions from top scholars across the US and the globe. 

Key Benefits

Organization and history of series allows a rich, multi faceted foundation for entrepreneurial topics in a rapidly changing information age.  Research can be disseminated in a clear and effective manner to promote communication between the business and academic communities and to foster entrepreneurship within the society.

Key Audiences

Key audiences range from private industry to policy officials to researchers and educators. The role and understanding of entrepreneurship, the implications for current critical conditions and sustained vibrant economies, is rapidly growing. This series provides each with a highly useful blend of topics and scholarly perspectives.


The series includes related articles and papers, frequently driven by organized colloquia and other business/academic exchange, with interdisciplinary perspectives including those of economics, marketing, law, finance, management, history, science, higher education administration and sociology. Coverage includes but is not limited to: 

  • Institutional entrepreneurial development
  • Intellectual property concerns, patenting, and other property rights issues
  • Environmental entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Innovation within and across firms
  • Effect of government regulation and tax policies
  • Organizational factors, market structure effects and marketing strategies
  • Entrepreneurship programmes and other educational activities
  • Relative performance of entrepreneurial firms.

Contact the Editorial Team

Series Editors
Sherry Hoskinson
McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Arizona, USA
[email protected]

Donald Kuratko
Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, The Kelley School of Business, Indiana University – Bloomington, USA
[email protected]

Emma Stevenson
[email protected]


"The study of the economics of entrepreneurship, while critically important, is in its early stages, with the key contributions widely scattered across journals. This series makes a valuable contribution by drawing together original research and review pieces on timely topics in a readily accessible form."
Professor Josh Lerner, Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking, Harvard Business School, USA

"This series provides cutting-edge research from many of the leading experts on entrepreneurship and innovation on these and related topics. The contributions are essential reading for all researchers in these fields and for policy  makers and interested readers."
Robert E. Litan, Vice President, Research and Policy, The Kauffman Foundation, USA

Publication ethics

This publication adopts the Emerald Publication Ethics guidelines which fully support the development of, and practical application of consistent ethical standards throughout the scholarly publishing community.

Online access

This title is available as part of the Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection. If you are a subscriber, please follow the link below to access your subscribed content. For purchase/subscription options please contact [email protected].

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