Special issue call for papers from Journal of Global Responsibility
The submission portal for this special at JGR ScholarOne will open December 1, 2019
Registration and access is available here.
Guest Editors
George Lodorfos, Leeds Beckett University: [email protected]
Anastasia Konstantopoulou, Edge Hill University: [email protected]
Ioannis Kostopoulos, Liverpool John Moores University: [email protected]
Ioannis Rizomyliotis, University of Brighton: [email protected]
Junjie Wu, Leeds Beckett University: [email protected]
Objectives and Scope of the Special Issue:
The purpose of this special issue is to gather empirical, meta-analytical, review, and theoretical research, which provides a significant contribution to the understanding of the interrelationships between education, responsible leadership, and corporate social responsibility approaches in different institutional contexts.
We encourage the submission of research from a range of different methodological approaches on responsible education, corporate governance, responsible leadership and corporate social responsibility, involving internal and external factors, different contexts, and different levels of organisational analysis or cross-disciplinary perspectives. In this vein, we invite contributions from organisational analysis and governance studies grounded in sociology and organisational theory as well as studies focusing on responsible education development.
We welcome both theoretical submissions that serve as a stepping-stone for empirical work, and theoretically-informed empirical work following the normal standards of JOGR. Empirical insights might be derived from several methodologies, including but not limited to survey research, case studies, action research, event studies, interviews, or experiments.
Contributions may focus on topic areas that include, but are not limited to:
- The characteristics (e.g., personality, attitudes, higher order skills and education) of responsible leaders.
- Leader motivation for engaging in CSR activities.
- The role of responsible education in setting up and implementing CSR practices.
- The circumstances under which leadership is related to corporate social irresponsibility in different contexts and sectors.
- The interrelation between education, managerial behaviour and CSR practices.
Both the business and the HE sectors are under increasing pressure to place more emphasis on societal impact and commitment to the common good. In particular, businesses are shifting from the narrow view of business purpose linked to profit and shareholder value to a broader view, which is more socially responsible. The demand for corporate social responsibility (CSR) shows that the world is changing and the requirement for companies and organisations to do more than make profit and to be part of a greater social solution. Similarly, the world demands a new leadership style which prioritises achieving a substantial social impact based on sustainable business decisions and responsible managerial behaviours. For organisations to embrace ethically and socially responsible thinking, the provision of social responsibility education is essential (Cornelius, Wallace, and Tassabehji, 2007). Therefore, education providers and particularly business schools have a duty to provide responsible education, which would ideally act as a catalyst to stimulate socially and ethically managed business organisations (Cornelius, Wallace, and Tassabehji, 2007).
Leadership and responsible decision making need to be integrated in any theory explaining how corporate responsibility can contribute to creating value and how irresponsibility destroys value (Aguinis and Glavas, 2012, Christensen, Mackey and Whetten 2014). Moreover, education coupled with a leader’s characteristics and behaviours play an important part in the creation of corporate social responsibility (Christensen et al. 2014, Cornelius, Wallace, and Tassabehji, 2007).
Although some studies have examined the role of leadership in CSR (e.g., Pless, Maak and Waldman, 2012; Waldman, Siegel, and Javidan, 2006), these studies have generally not considered the role of leadership in CSR beyond that of the CEO.
While there is high demand for knowledge on responsible leadership, responsible education and corporate responsibility, there is still a lot we do not know about the connection between leadership, education and the creation of corporate responsibility.
Business ethics and social responsibility education have been extensively researched, but there has been limited attention in the pedagogical literature about how they can be integrated in education (e.g. Giacalone and Thompson (2017).
Therefore, this special issue aims to contribute and broaden our understanding of the interrelationships between responsible education, managerial behaviour and corporate responsibility with perspectives from businesses and higher education providers.
Aguinis, H. and Glavas A. (2012). What We Know and Don't Know About Corporate Social Responsibility; A Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Management, 38, 932-968.
Christensen, L. J., Mackey, A. and Whetten, D. (2014). Taking Responsibility for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Leaders in Creating, Implementing, Sustaining, or Avoiding Socially Responsible Firm Behaviors. The Academy of management Perspectives, 28(2), 164-178.
Cornelius, N., Wallace, J., and Tassabehji, R. (2007). An analysis of corporate social responsibility, corporate identity, and ethics teaching in business schools. Journal of Business Ethics, 76, 117–135.
Giacalone, R.A. and Thompson K.R. (2006). Business Ethics and social responsibility Education: Shifting the worldview. Academy of Management Learning & education 5(3), 266-277.
Pless, N. M., Maak, T. and Waldman, D. A. (2012). Different approaches toward doing the right thing: Mapping the responsibility orientations of leaders. Academy of Management Perspectives, 26(4), 51-65.
Waldman, D. A., Siegel, D. S. and Javidan, M. (2006). Components of CEO transformational leadership and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Management Studies, 43(8), 17031725.
Submissions to JGR should be made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system.
Initial submissions for the special issue must be received between 1st December 2019 (the date that the submission portal for this special issue at JGR ScholarOne will open) and 1st March 2020.
The word count for each paper should not exceed 7000 words (everything included). The word count provided should attribute 280 words per table, figure, illustration or photograph and should include the abstract, references and appendices
Authors should designate their manuscript for this Special Issue (select “Special Issue” as the manuscript type when submitting.) Submissions should be accompanied by an assurance of originality and exclusivity and should adhere to the manuscript guidelines for authors that can be found on the journal’s website.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding manuscripts, please direct them to the lead guest editor, Professor George Lodorfos, at [email protected].
All submissions will be subject to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, with one or more of the guest editors acting as action editor.
Submission deadline: 1st March 2020