To extend the 22 years of contributions of New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, the Editorial Board has decided to introduce a new approach to communicate our scientific findings. In the early years of NEJE, we continuously endeavored to publish case studies focusing on connecting entrepreneurs of small business and academia. Continuing this legacy, we introduce a new type of paper: Practitioner Notes.
Practitioner Notes would receive timely review by Editorial Board members and will be published in regular issues. We kindly invite scholars and practitioners to submit Practitioner Notes on the various domains of entrepreneurship. While we support diverse formats for Practitioner Notes, we encourage co-authorships between academics and practitioners to include both perspectives in a paper. Ideally, practitioners should explain entrepreneurial phenomenon (e.g., problems and solutions) based on their experiences, and academics should explain the phenomenon, summarize the theoretical implications of practitioners’ perspectives, and most importantly discuss how theories could benefit from practitioners’ perspectives and vice versa. We hope this approach identifies various under-researched areas from practitioners’ perspectives and increases the exposure of NEJE by promoting the journal to practitioners and media.