Thank you to the 2021 Reviewers of the Journal of International Education in Business

Journal of International Education in Business

Thank you to our 2021 peer reviewers

The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2021 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made.  With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high-quality articles:

Muhamad Ahsan

Maureen Andrade

Hayward Andres

Amira Annabi

Lata Bajpai

Carlos Ballesteros

Sandra Barker

Terri Barr

Yury Blagov

Laura  Brancu

Joao Batista Brillo de Carvalho

Manuela  Brusoni

Jane Burdett

Gerard Callanan

John Cater

Sriya  Chakravarti

Meena Chavan

Mireille Chidiac El Hajj

John Clinebell

Yvonne Costin

Jane Cromartie

Valdone  Darškuviene

Natalya Delcoure

Ning Ding

EC (Elize) du Plessis

Cristen Dutcher

William Ellegood

José-Luis Fernández-Fernández

Joan Fontrodona

Mitchell Franklin

Antonino  Galati

Sunaina  Gowan

Theresia Gunawan

Abderrahman Hassi

Kenneth Heischmidt

Mark Hill

Briga Hynes

Abdalla Idris

Marina Iskhakova

Vishal Jain

Martin Jenkins

Debora Jeske

Kwanghee Jung

Samah Kamal

Clive Kerridge

Malissa Leipold

Chin Heng Low

Nimmi M

Ivo Matser

Tui McKeown

Emil Milevoj

Sivasankaran Narayanasamy

Erin Oldford

Thomas Osburg

Mollie Painter

Gary Pan

Biljana Pesalj

Martyn  Polkinghorne

Drew Polly

Jennifer Pope

Susan Porter

Sally Randles

Jason Riley

Carla Riverola

Marcus Rodrigs

Catharine Ross

Jason Ryan

Sangeeta Sahu

Pouya Samani

Shruti Sardeshmukh

Sweety Shah

Venky Shankararaman

Michael Slotkin

Tommy Soesmanto

David Starr-Glass

Elvia Sunityo-Shauki

Cheng_Yoke Tan

Huili Tang

Satu Teerikangas

Godson Tetteh

Meredith  Tharapos

Benny Tjahjono

Urmatbek Tynaliev

Freda  van der Walt

Tracey West

Andhi Wijayanto

Di Wu

Taoufik Zoubeidi