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Thank you to the 2023 Reviewers of Journal of Integrated Care

Journal of Integrated Care

The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2023 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high-quality articles:

Ahire, Neha
Ahmad, Jamaluddin 
Aiello, Matt
Alfiyyah, Arifah
Ankomah, Genevieve 
Argyle, Elaine
Ashwell, Gemma
Attwood, Mike
Bader, Claire 
Baginsky, Mary
Bångsbo, Angela
Basu, Sandhya
Bautista, Tara
Bertoluci, Paula
Bettger, Janet
Bikmoradi, Ali
Bradd, Patricia
Brondolo, Elizabeth
Broughan, John
Burdett, Teresa
Chang, Ming-Fang
Clark, Michael
Cornes, Michelle
Cornes, Michelle
Costa, Maria Fernanda
Culgin, Sarah
Ebrahimi, Pejman
Efimenko, Irina
El-Farargy, Nancy
English, Cara
Feather, Julie
Gauld, Robin
Gever, Verlumun
Gifford, Elaine
Glasby, Jon
Grimwood, Tom
Guldemond, Nick
Hendry, Anne
Hex, Nick
Horgan, Salinda
Hujala, Anneli
Inman, Joanne
Kaarakainen, Minna
Kaehne, Axel
King, Erin
Kurpas, Donata 
Lewis, Richard
Ma, Kris
Maiden, Genevieve
Manthorpe, Jill
Martis, Clarita Shynal
Mcglade, Anne
Mcshane, Martin
Miller, Robin
Modha, Bhaven
Mooss, Angela
Mouloudj, Kamel
Munoz, Sarah-Anne
Nelson, Michelle
Ogwu, Stephen
Pant, Neeraj
Paranjape, Swati
Perman, Gaston
Piera-Jiménez, Jordi
Rainey, Helen
Relph, Nicala
Sackey, Frank
Seamark, David
Shaqura, Iyad
Singh, Ankit
Sinn, Chi-Ling
Snell, Laura
Steele Gray, Carolyn
Tariq, Sanober
Thomas, Clive
Thompson, Maimie
Tucker, Helen
Verissimo, Larissa
Willcocks, Steve