Integrated Care and COVID-19
Axel Kaehne, Medical School, Edge Hill University, UK
Guest editorial: Exploring the expansive horizons of integrated care
Axel Kaehne
Surviving COVID-19 and beyond: a mixed-method study
Swati Paranjape, Amogh Patkar
Antecedents of physicians' intentions to engage in digital volunteering work: an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) approach
Ahmed Chemseddine Bouarar, Smail Mouloudj, Tungki Pratama Umar, Kamel Mouloudj
Media presentation of hospital discharge to care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Eniola Abe, Pamela Dawson, Jason Scott
Exploring the spread and scale of a web-based clinical decision support portal in Sydney, Australia, during COVID-19: a case study
Anna McGlynn, Éidín Ní Shé, Paul Bennett, Siaw-Teng Liaw, Tony Jackson, Ben Harris-Roxas
Factors influencing the perception and the willingness to take the COVID-19 vaccine among the working population in Ghana
Frank Gyimah Sackey, Richard Asravor, Christopher Lamptey
The effect of narrative persuasion on interpersonal talk and attitude (the case of COVID-19)
Seyed Mehdi Sharifi, Mohammad Reza Jalilvand, Mohammad Reza Shakoorian Fard
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of physical health interventions to mental health consumers within Sydney Local Health District
Andrew Simpson, Lisa Parcsi, Andrew McDonald
A mixed-methods process evaluation of an integrated care system's population health management system to reduce health inequalities in COVID-19 vaccination uptake
Georgia Watson, Cassie Moore, Fiona Aspinal, Andrew Hutchings, Rosalind Raine, Jessica Sheringham
An evaluation of speech and language therapy services for people with long COVID in the UK: a call for integrated care
Katie Chadd, Sophie Chalmers, Kate Harrall, Kathryn Moyse, Gemma Clunie
Community-based volunteering in response to Covid-19: people, process and planning
Julie MacInnes, Bridget Jones, Kat Frere-Smith, Vanessa Abrahamson, Tamsyn Eida, Rebecca Sharp, Heather Gage, Patricia Wilson