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Thank you to the 2021 Reviewers of Journal of Criminal Psychology

Journal of Criminal Psychology

The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2021 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high-quality articles: 

Akerman, Geraldine
Baglivio, Michael
Baguley, Thom
Bailey, Di
Balemba, Samantha
Beauregard, Eric
Bennett, Jamie
Bergstrøm, Henriette
Berryessa, Colleen
Bradley, Alexandria
Brookes, Michael
Caudill, Jon
Caulfield, Laura
Chan, Oliver
Cohen, Thomas
Colbert, Ryanne
Delisi, Matt
Duff, Simon
Earle, Rod
Ferreira , Regardt 
Gunn Iii, John
Harrison, Natalie
Honeywell, David
Hooft, Emily
Johnson, Kelly
Jung , Sandy 
Kavish, Nicholas
Kewley, Stephanie
Leese, Maggie
Marono, Abbie
Martineau, Melissa
Mccuish, Evan
Mercer, Johanna
Mitchell, Sean
Persson, Sofia
Pilotti, Maura
Roach, Jason
Rogers, Michaela
Sheridan, Lorraine
Staunton , Ciara
Stefanska, Ewa
Synnott, John
Tufuga, Emma
Watson, Roger
Yaksic, Enzo
Zander, Jaimie