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2023 Annual Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change Symposium

Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change

2023 Annual Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change Symposium

(Face-to-face and virtual)

8th and 9th November 2023, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Call for Papers

Deadline for online submission: 31 August 2023


Key themes:

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Governance, Accountability, and Organizational Change

The 2023 Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change (JAOC) symposium will be held in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Conference is organized by JAOC with hosting and support from Prince Sultan University.

JAOC, published by Emerald Group Publishing, is designed to provide a platform for interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to disseminate information on contemporary organizational changes and accounting practices in industry, public and non-profit organizations, or in the private sector.

Keynote speakers:

  1. Professor Carol Adams
    Editor-in-Chief, Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal
    Durham University, UK
  2. Professor Thomas Ahrens
    Associate Editor, Management Accounting Research
    United Arab Emirates University
  3. Emeritus Professor Lord Prem Sikka
    The University of Sheffield and The University of Essex
  4. Ms. Helen Patridge
    Director, Accountancy Education, IFAC

Empirical and review papers are sought from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. We welcome manuscripts from emerging, developed economies and gulf nations in the following areas: the public and private sectors.

  • UN sustainable development goals, organizational change, and accounting's role therein
  • Interface between data analytics and accounting
  • Future of the accounting profession in the changing digitalized environment
  • Governance, policy change, social transformation, and accounting
  • Changes in social and environmental accounting and performance reporting
  • Accountability and performance in the public and private sectors
  • Accounting change in gulf nations and MENA countries
  • Public sector reform and accounting change in Gulf nations and MENA countries
  • Corporate failure and auditing change
  • Independence of auditors, ethics, and accounting professions
  • Digital auditing and forensic accounting

These themes are only indicative. Papers outside of these themes with relevance to understanding the role of accounting in organizational (and social) change are also welcome. Only full papers will be considered for presentation.

All manuscripts submitted will normally only be considered for conference subject to a detailed blind review by at least two reviewers. The Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change will publish a special issue in late 2024 or early 2025.

Registration fee: Free

Conference website


General inquiries:

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

Editor-in-Chief, JAOC (Co-chair)

Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia

[email protected]


Submission-related inquiries:

Prof. Francisco Bastida

Co-chair, Conference Scientific Committee

Prince Sultan University

[email protected]