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New International Journal of Educational Management editors

International Journal of Educational Management

We’re delighted to announce the appointment of our new editors for the International Journal of Educational Management. 

Professor Chris Brown and Dr Dong Nguyen have joined as our new Co-Editors: 

Professor Chris Brown is Professor in Education and Director of Research at the Dept of Education Studies at the University of Warwick UK. Chris is interested in the leadership of Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) as a means to promote the collaborative learning of teachers. The aim of this collaborative learning is to improve both teaching practice and student outcomes, not only in individual schools, but also in the school system more widely. Alongside his research into PLNs Chris also has a long-standing interest in how research evidence can and should, but often doesn’t aid leaders’ of education policy and practice. In 2018 Chris was also awarded a Siftung Mercator Foundation Senior Fellowship. Each year Siftung Mercator identifies and invites just six people world-wide to apply each year for one of its fellowships. Potential Fellows are identified by a panel as ‘exceptionally talented and outstanding researchers and practitioners’ from areas seen as relevant to the themes and fields of activity of Stiftung Mercator. The purpose of the Mercator Fellowship programme is to offer selected fellows the space and freedom to also devote themselves to exploratory and unconventional research and practical projects (typically for six months). Previous fellows include advisors to former US President Obama and current French President Macron. Other recent prizes include the 2015 American Educational Research Association ‘Emerging Scholar’ award; the 2016 AERA Excellence in Research to practice award and the 2016 UCEA Jeffrey V. Bennett Outstanding International Research award.

Dr Dong Nguyen is Associate Professor in Leadership and Management at Durham University UK where he leads the international Master’s Programme in Educational Leadership and Change. This MA programme aims to support our students with development of the combined expertise in education, leadership and management, and data analysis. Dong Nguyen has 15 years of professional experience across educational systems, including England, Scotland, Singapore, and Vietnam. Dong Nguyen’s (funded) research and publications focus on three interrelated areas: leadership, professional development, and innovation. Dong has a particular interest in investigating the issues of leadership development and learning across sectors, cultures, and nations globally. He is equally interested in collaborating with colleagues to advance and mobilise a knowledge base on educational leadership in the Global South.