Social Prescribing: Using Integrated Approaches to Support Community Wellbeing in Rural and Urban Areas



This Special Issue will serve as a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and higher education institutions, providing robust empirical evidence from implementation research and evaluations, alongside insights from practice. We particularly encourage submissions that highlight the lived experiences of individuals who benefit from social prescribing.

We are particularly interested in systems and roles that have enabled the workforce to support the development of the community asset-based infrastructure that has helped embed SP within wider integrated systems.


List of topic areas


· How does Social Prescribing improve integrated care and collaborative working?

· How are the workforce involved in social prescribing supported to work collaboratively and to deliver person-centred information, advice and support?

· What role do Social Prescribers play in supporting people to manage their health?

· How does Social Prescribing help to address the wider determinants of health and wellbeing? What education, training and career pathways do we need in this area?

· How can we create partnerships between the social prescribing workforce and secondary care?

· How can the social prescribing workforce engage with wider community assets, including the natural environment, and partner with community anchor organisations?

· How the democratised infrastructure within the VCSFE has supported the SP ecosystem.


Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available at:

Author guidelines must be strictly followed. Please see:

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.


Key deadlines

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 30/04/2025