Fintech and Consumer Finance: Insights and Innovations in Financial Technology


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Recent scholarship shows a growing interest in financial technology (fintech), which has revolutionized the landscape of consumer finance over the past decade. Researchers have published a series of compelling studies on innovative financial services within this sector (deHaan et al., 2024; Chen & Yoon, 2022; Guttman-Kenney et al., 2023; Ji et al., 2023; Foley et al., 2019). Previously dominated by traditional banks and financial institutions, the industry now thrives on innovation, accessibility, and digital solutions tailored to the modern consumer's lifestyle and household financial needs. To support and propel this critical line of research, this special issue will delve into various applications of financial technology in consumer finance. To support and further advance this critical line of research, this special issue will explore various applications of financial technology in the realm of consumer finance. You can request Scopus citation trends from your publisher if you wish to show how impactful the special issue could be.


List of topic areas

  • The impact of FinTech on consumer financial behavior and decision-making
  • Innovations in digital payment systems, mobile banking, and personal finance management
  • The role of big data and analytics in shaping consumer financial services
  • Financial inclusion and the digital divide: Access to financial services for underserved populations
  • Risk management, consumer protection, and regulatory compliance in the FinTech sector
  • The future of digital currencies, blockchain technology, and their implications for consumer finance
  • Consumer experience, user interface design, and the humanization of financial services
  • The influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning on consumer financial services
  • Sustainable finance and its impact on consumer behavior and financial markets
  • Consumer knowledge, behavior, and capability in fintech applications
  • Consumer fintech use and wellbeing


Guest Editors

Jingjian Xiao,
The University of Rhode IslandThe institution, United States,
[email protected]

Fuzhong Chen,
University of International Business and Economics, China,
[email protected]

Congrong Ouyang,
Kansas State University, United States,
[email protected]


Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available by clicking the button below.
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Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.


Key Deadlines

Opening date for manuscripts submissions : 28 February 2025
Closing date for manuscripts submission: 31 December 2025   
Closing date for abstract submission: 31 December 2025    
Email for abstract submissions: [email protected]