Call for Papers for Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies
Special Issue on
“Sustainability in the new normal: A critical review and agenda for the future”
Sustainable development is an increasingly important topic for both academics, policymakers, and practitioners. While there is a lack of consensus in defining sustainable development, United Nations has suggested a collection of 17 sustainable development goals that include strategies to spur economic growth, reduce inequality, improve health and education while tackling climate change and various sources of global risks. In recent decades, the world has gone through a number of global crises, such as billion-dollar climate disasters, mega-terrorist attacks, the global financial crisis, and most recently, the Coronavirus pandemic. To date, our knowledge regarding the implications of global crises on the corporate world, and more importantly, how to promote the sustainability of business in times of crisis has remained meagre.
This special issue aims to explore various impacts of global crises on sustainable development, uncover shields that can defend against value destruction caused by national or global crises, and promote factors for more resilient societies in the wake of a systemic crisis.
We welcome all aspects of research on the sustainability of the business, which includes but are not limited to:
- Research on different aspects of sustainability, not only environmental issues but other sustainable goals beyond environment, corporation, and other stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, and communities.
- The impact of Covid-19 on corporate social responsibility (CSR) or environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities.
- The impact of CSR, such as governance, reputation, employee satisfaction, or board of director diversity on corporate responses and corporate resilience in times of crisis.
- Cross-country comparisons of CSR responses to the pandemic.
- Cross-country comparisons of how the pandemic affects CSR activities.
- How do different governance mechanisms, such as institutional investors or other stakeholders, affect corporate ESG policies during and after the pandemic?
- How does corporate financial structure or flexibility affect the impact of the pandemic on CSR?
- The impact of CSR competitiveness on corporate performance.
- The different roles of ESG or CSR in financial markets.
- How do CSR policies enable the high-quality development of enterprises?
- How do ESG concerns shape the ways that financial institutions respond to the carbon neutrality target?
- Carbon risk, its determinants, and various consequences.
- Sustainable investing, green investments, or socially responsible investing.
- How corporations and investors respond to terrorist attacks?
- How do infectious diseases, such as Covid-19, SARS, MERS, or H1N1, affect the corporate world?
- Cryptocurrencies and digital finance in times of crisis.
- Determinants and factors that weather crash risk.
- Agenda for the sustainability of business in the new normal.
Submission Guidelines
This special issue of JABES will be guest-edited by Dr. Nhan Le (Australian National University, Australia), Dr. Harvey Nguyen (Massey University, New Zealand), and Dr. Peng-Fei Dai (East China University of Science and Technology, China)
The submission portal will open December 1, 2022 and will remain open until May 30, 2023.
To submit, go to and select SI Sustainability. The deadline for submissions is May 30, 2023. We anticipate a successful conclusion of the double-blind review process by late 2023 and publication of this special issue in early 2024.
There is no submission fee. Submitted articles should be consistent with the aims and scope of the journal. Please direct inquiries to Dr. Nhan Le ([email protected]).
Articles for this special issue will be processed for publication as they are accepted. The special issue will be published as a virtual special issue or article collection. For further details, please check JABES’s Author Guidelines:
Guest Editors
- Dr. Nhan Le (Australian National University, Australia)
[email protected] - Dr. Harvey Nguyen (Massey University, New Zealand)
[email protected] - Dr. Peng-Fei Dai (East China University of Science and Technology, China)
[email protected]
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