Call for Papers: Fibrous Materials for Emerging Applications

Guest editor(s)
Frédéric Heim,

Peng Wang


EMMR Upcoming Special Issue


The aim of the issue is to present a synthesis of latest research activities in the field of fibrous materials. Compared to other materials, textiles and fibrous constructions are characterized by unique flexibility and strength properties. This makes them ideal candidates for various technical applications like innovative composite manufacturing, optimized medical implants development, smart clothes design in order to detect or react to various physical stimuli and interact with the environment. These multiscale materials can be considered as metamaterials, which properties can be tuned at the level of the fibre, the yarn or the fabric.  

The global textile market size can be valued at over USD 1,500 billion, making it nearly half the size of the automotive market in the world. The market is expected to grow by 4% a year over the coming years. It is in particular responsible for around 10% of the greenhouse gas emissions. Based on these data, research on fibrous materials becomes a central challenge in order to develop for example recyclable textiles, lighter strong composites or smart garments for energy harvesting.

The specific characteristics of fibrous materials and textiles are generally less known. A special issue on the subject would allow presenting the specific potential of these materials to the scientific community.

The Special issue aligns with several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being)

  • new textile vascular grafts offering better elasticity for increased durability
  • medical textiles with anti-bacterial treatments

SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructures)

  • composites with durable strength
  • textile reinforcements with advanced structure and optimized mechanical properties

SDG 13 (Climate Action)

  • textile hydrophobic surface treatments without fluorinate substances
  • review about innovative ways in textiles recycling
  • composites based on bio-sourced fibres 


List of topic areas

This special issue will make a new contribution to raising awareness about the potential of fibrous materials for technical applications in the materials research community. It will cover (but not limited to) the following general themes: 

  •  textile composites

  • medical fabrics

  • recycling

  • smart textiles

  • bio-sourced fibres

Submissions Information

Once you have registered with our Editorial system, ReView (, choose article type "Themed issue Paper" and then select 'Fibrous Materials for Emerging Applications' from the drop-down menu on screen. 

Submit your paper here by 10 May 2025

Author guidelines available here

Guest Editors

Professor Frédéric Heim, Université de Haute Alsace, France

Professor Peng Wang, Université de Haute Alsace, France

Key deadline

Opening date for manuscript submissions: 10 February 2025

Closing date for manuscript submissions: 10 May 2025