Call for Papers – The 4th Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies (ACBES 2022)
We are pleased to announce the 4th Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies (ACBES 2022) is being run in conjunction with JABES and currently calling for paper submissions.
The conference will run from August 29 to August 31, 2022 and papers should be submitted by July 15, 2022.
The conference welcomes submissions on the following topics including, but not limited to:
- Investment, Trade, and Globalization
- International Finance
- Fiscal Policies and Public Finance
- Agriculture, Poverty, Inequality, and Environmental Economics
- Employment, Income, and Human Resources Development
- Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship
- Accounting and Auditing
- Development of Economic Sectors and/or Industries
- Business Administration
- Business Development
- Regional Policies
- Health Economics
- Banking and Finance
- Economics and Law
- Financial Economics
- Financial Economics of Fintech
- Monetary Economics
- Institutional Economics
- Health Economics
- Insurance and Workplace
- Food, Agricultural & Rural Economics
Prof. Alexander Carol
Professor of Finance, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Co-Editor of Journal of Banking and Finance
Prof. Guido Friebel
Chair of Human Resources at Goethe University, Germany
Co-Managing Editor of the Economics Transition and Institutional Change
Prof. Andreas Stoffers
Country Director Vietnam Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom, Vietnam
Prof. Vu Minh Khuong
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Submission guidelines are available on our official website
- The registration fee for authors is $US 75 and for students and observers is $US 50
- ACBES 2022 offers a Special Doctoral Session for Ph.D. students hosted by Prof. Gabriel S. Lee
- We are also calling for session chairs, please see details here.
- Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (SCOPUS, ESCI, ACI): Regular Issue or Special Issue on “Sustainability in the new normal: A critical review and agenda for the future”
- Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization (ABDC: A*, ABS: 3, SCOPUS Q1, SSCI): Special Issue on “Wars, sanctions, economic behaviour, and institutions”
- International Journal of Social Economics (ABDC: B, ABS: 1, SCOPUS: Q2, ESCI): Special Issue on “Post-COVID-19 and social economics”
- Journal of Economic Asymmetries (ABDC: B, SCOPUS: Q2, SSCI): Special Issue on “Asymmetries during pandemics and wartime”
- Proceedings published in Asia-Pacific Business Book series by World Scientific Publisher
Details of publication opportunities can be found here:
Please contact us via our official email [email protected] and website for more information.