This special issue derives its importance from recent literature, events, and significant societal implications. For instance, research such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (2021) underscores the urgent need for climate action, while studies like those by Moon & Orlitzky (2011) emphasize the integration of sustainability into business education as essential for developing future leaders. Events such as COP28 and regional crises, including the 2024 Gulf floods, highlight both the progress and ongoing challenges in climate mitigation. It is needless to say that societal impacts are becoming more profound, with climate change posing economic risks, as projected by the World Bank (2021), and exacerbating social inequities, particularly affecting vulnerable populations, as discussed by Martinez-Alier (2002). By promoting interdisciplinary collaboration among academics, their affiliated professionals, and stakeholders, this special issue aims to address these multifaceted challenges, advance sustainability goals, and contribute to a more sustainable future in the MENA region, including the Arab World (Elbanna, 2024; El-Bassiouny, et al., 2022).
In light of the above, this issue seeks to showcase innovative research, technologies, entrepreneurial endeavors, sustainable business models (Daou et al., 2020, 2024), organizational practices (Talbot et al., 2021), and strategies that contribute to sustainability efforts by delving into areas such as renewable energy, carbon emissions capturing and reporting, eco-friendly practices in various industries, waste management innovations, and climate change mitigation strategies.
Moreover, this special issue intends to address several societal challenges, such as the economic impact of climate change, particularly in vulnerable regions like the MENA area. With these considerations in mind, the MENA Business Schools Alliance for Sustainability (MEBAS) has recently been established to unite business schools in the MENA region with the overarching goals of promoting environmental stewardship, capacity building, and advancing sustainability objectives. Hence, with the aim of promoting research and collaboration among alliance members and other collaborators, this special issue aims to foster the development of sustainable business practices and strategies for meeting net-zero targets that can drive economic resilience and growth despite environmental challenges.
This issue also aims to address social equity by highlighting how climate change disproportionately affects marginalized communities and exploring strategies for inclusive sustainable development. This aligns with multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 13 (Climate Action), which calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Furthermore, it supports SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) by showcasing advancements in renewable energy, and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) by promoting eco-friendly industrial practices. Moreover, given the key role the private sector plays in climate change, this call aligns with SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). Additionally, the originality of this special issue lies in its holistic approach and interdisciplinary contributions from a diverse group of academics and non-academics (i.e., practitioners, policymakers, and governments), aligning with SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), emphasizing the importance of collective cooperation in achieving these objectives. In general, this special issue aims to create a comprehensive platform for addressing critical societal and environmental challenges through sustainable practices and innovative solutions.
Following the call for conducting purposeful research that has impactful contributions to our surrounding societies (Elbanna & Child, 2023; Grandori & Morley, 2022), this special issue is hoped to highlight barriers such as policy gaps, economic constraints, societal attitudes, and technological limitations, encouraging a nuanced discussion on how to overcome these hurdles.
List of Topic Areas
This special issue of Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review welcomes a broad range of empirical and theoretical contributions. Potential topics and questions include, but are not limited to:
- Theorizing sustainability in the MENA region.
- How can technology enhance energy efficiency, waste management, and resource conservation?
- What is the role of finance and investments in driving sustainability initiatives?
- How effective are policies and regulatory frameworks in promoting sustainability in the MENA region?
- What are the effective (Net-Zero) strategies for building resilient and sustainable supply chains in the MENA region?
- What is the role of accounting and green finance in promoting carbon neutrality and climate-related financial disclosures?
- How can business model innovation contribute to sustainable entrepreneurship in the MENA region?
- How do entrepreneurial ecosystems contribute to sustainable entrepreneurship in the MENA region?
- What role do family firms in the MENA region play in tackling climate change?
Submissions Information
Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available at:
Author guidelines must be strictly followed. Please see:
Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to ““Please select the issue you are submitting to”.
Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.
Key Deadlines
Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 01/08/2024
Closing date for manuscripts submission: 28/02/2025
Guest Editors
Hany Kamel, College of Business & Economics, Qatar University, Qatar, [email protected]
Marwa Elnahass, Professor in Accounting and Finance (UK), [email protected]
Alain Daou, Dean, Faculty of Business, American University of Beirut – Mediterraneo, Pafos, Cyprus, [email protected]
Albarrak, M. S., Elnahass, M., & Salama, A. (2019). The effect of carbon dissemination on cost of equity. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(6), 1179-1198.
Barg, J. A., Drobetz, W., El Ghoul, S., Guedhami, O., & Schröder, H. (2024). Board ancestral diversity and voluntary greenhouse gas emission disclosure. British Journal of Management, 35(3), 1512-1529.
Christy, A., Elnahass, M., Amezaga, J., Browne, A., & Heidrich, O. (2024). A dynamic framework to align company climate reporting and action with global climate targets. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(4), 3103-3128.
Daou, A., Mallat, C., Chammas, G., Cerantola, N., Kayed, S., & Saliba, N. A. (2020). The Ecocanvas as a business model canvas for a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120938.
Daou, A., Salamoun, R., & Abdallah, C. (2024). Institutional voids and business model convergence in the recycling industry. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 52, 100882.
Dechow, P. M. (2023). Understanding the sustainability reporting landscape and research opportunities in accounting. The Accounting Review, 98(5), 481-493.
Elbanna, S. (2024). Editorial: Envisioning the future: Elevating impact in management and sustainability research in the Arab world. Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review, 3(2), 109-113.
Elbanna, S., & Child, J. (2023). From ‘publish or perish’ to ‘publish for purpose’. European Management Review, 20(4), 614-618.
El-Bassiouny, N. M., Abbas-Ali, H., Hammerschmidt, M., Elbanna, S., & Fröhlich, E. (2022). Editorial: Between antiquity and modernity in sustainability management research: Reflections from board members. Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review, 1(1), 1-13.
Gebhardt, M., Schneider, A., Siedler, F., Ottenstein, P., & Zülch, H. (2024). Climate reporting in the fast lane? The impact of corporate governance on the disclosure of climaterelated risks and opportunities. Business Strategy and the Environment,
Gerged, A. M., Salem, R., & Beddewela, E. (2023). How does transparency into global sustainability initiatives influence firm value? Insights from AngloAmerican countries. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(7), 4519-4547.
Grandori, A., & Morley, M. (2022). Editorial: On legacies and linkages: A publishing manifesto. European Management Review, 19(1), 3-6.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. IPCC_AR6_WGI_SPM_final.pdf.
Jamil, S. H., & Khan, M. J. (2024). Do corporate environmental protection efforts reduce firmlevel operating risk? Evidence from a developing country. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(5), 4480-4492.
Mair, L., Elnahass, M., Xiang, E., Hawkins, F., Siikamaki, J., Hillis, L., Barrie, S., & McGowan, P. J. (2024). Corporate disclosures need a biodiversity outcome focus and regulatory backing to deliver global conservation goals. Conservation Letters,
Martinez-Alier, J. (2002). The Environmentalism of the Poor: A Study of Ecological Conflicts and Valuation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Moon, J., & Orlitzky, M. (2011). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability education: A trans-Atlantic comparison. Journal of Management & Organization, 17(5), 583-603.
World Bank. (2021). Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020: Reversals of Fortune. World Bank Publications. World Bank Document.
Talbot, D., Raineri, N., & Daou, A. (2021). Implementation of sustainability management tools: The contribution of awareness, external pressures, and stakeholder consultation. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(1), 71-81.
Tomar, S. (2023). Greenhouse gas disclosure and emissions benchmarking. Journal of Accounting Research, 61(2), 451-492.