Helping students develop the key skills they need to succeed in higher education.
Part- or full-time, distance learner or mature student, each method of study brings its own unique challenges and pressures. Stay sane and negotiate your way through the student maze of funding, work-life balance, special needs and career planning with our indispensable guides.
From the moment they arrive as freshmen at university, modern students are increasingly "savvy" about the need to think about what they are going to do next. It's not a process that gets put on hold until the final year anymore, when the realization dawns for students that a wider world awaits, whether they are ready to greet it or not. Here's something that students will hear again and again from career advisors: employers spend only the briefest of periods browsing over resumes to see what they make of the candidate. Unfortunately, perhaps, this isn't some urban myth put around to shake up complacent students; it really is true.
This guide will tell you how peer mentoring works, how being a mentor can help you by providing you with transferable skills, and how to mentor successfully.
Now, as perhaps never before, students are suffering from stress. Stress hits students everywhere, for many reasons: academic, financial, social and emotional. This article looks at why the causes of stress are so high and what you can do to cope.
More and more people are studying part-time, fitting in study at a university or community college around commitments of family and career. But, the challenges of studying part-time are considerable – and are no doubt the reason why drop-out rates can be high. However, many students do succeed, so how can you increase your chance of success?
Increasingly seen as a prerequisite for advancement, and mandatory in certain sectors such as finance and consulting, the MBA can provide you with a whole arsenal of skills, models and techniques to help you make sense of the business world. Working and studying is bound to have immense implications for work-life balance, but a big advantage is that you experience what you study, and can test what you learn in the workplace. Reflection on what you learn is critical at master's level and, as a working manager, you can build the real world into that process. This article will help you reflect on how you can maximize the synergy between your experience and your learning.
Whatever your motivation, be it the excellent teaching and/or research facilities a foreign country can offer, or a greater range of courses, studying abroad is a life-altering experience and one that will broaden your outlook. It will also help you boost your employment prospects by helping you acquire international competences, such as the language, or knowledge of a particular country or culture. And, in this global age, such competences are invaluable. Planning and forethought are important, however, if one is to make the best of a period of study abroad. This article looks at some of the key considerations, from choosing an institution or country, to making an application, and studying in a foreign culture.
A substantial proportion of new management students are "returners" to education, sometimes building on skills and learning they acquired previously, sometimes embarking on a whole new programme of study aimed at broadening their career choices or shifting them into a different setting. For these mature students, re-entering education, sometimes after a gap of several decades, brings its own, quite daunting challenges.
Despite condemnation from all sides, selling essays is a growing business. So what are you likely to get and can they ever be a positive influence?
Work experience is experience of the workplace you gain prior to graduating and starting your career. It can be incidental to your study (and probably supporting it in the case of part-time work) or intrinsic to it, as when the course requires you to do a placement or a sandwich year in industry, possibly with some sort of credit-bearing project work attached.
This article looks at the career paths available to management undergraduates, answering the question, "What can I do with a management degree?", and finds that your future is surprisingly flexible.
Distance learning is an increasingly popular method of study for people with an otherwise full lifestyle, offering flexibility and the ability to work from home, at your own pace. But what does it involve – and will it really suit you? This article could help you decide.
Many people suffer from some ongoing physical problem which affects their daily lives. This may be something which is obviously recognizable to others, for example a sight or mobility problem, but equally it may be a less visible condition which still leaves them very tired or in constant pain. Students so affected will need certain facilities, specialist equipment and support to ensure that their ability to complete a programme of study is not hindered by their disability.
If you have a learning disability, then you are likely to be of normal or above average intelligence, but have a difficulty with a basic psychological process which affects language and possibly other areas such as mathematics or planning. This difficulty may manifest itself in a range of associated activities, and notably in a disparity between the standard of written work and oral understanding. Having a learning disability may make some aspects of learning more of an issue, but a number of strategies and measures can be taken to ensure it is not a barrier to study.