ICSEI / JPCC Innovation Award
The International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) and the Journal of Professional Capital and Community (JPCC) invite applications for the ICSEI / JPCC Innovation Award. This award recognizes an outstanding contribution to the ICSEI 2025 conference that makes an innovative contribution in educational research, policy, and/or practice within the field of professional capital and community.
JPCC is an international, professionally refereed, scholarly journal, reflecting the most important ideas and evidence of the nature and impact of interactions and relationships in the education profession, especially in the school sector. This journal brings together the most influential leading thinkers and emerging scholars on professional cultures, communities and collegiality and how they all contribute to or impede the development of the professional capital in schools and school systems that enhances students' learning, wellbeing, achievement and engagement.
The Journal of Professional Capital and Community (JPCC) editorial team is delighted to announce the recipients of this year’s ICSEI / JPCC Innovation Award:
Associate Professor Mark Rickinson, Faculty of Education, Monash University
Professor Lucas Walsh, Faculty of Education, Monash University
Dr Joanne Gleeson, Researcher, Faculty of Education, Monash University
Blake Cutler, Researcher and PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education, Monash University

A note from the winners:
"We are so delighted to be selected for this year’s ICSEI/JPCC Innovation Award. All too often calls for research-informed improvement overlook the professional capital and community that is required for research evidence to be used well in practice. Our work with educators in the Monash Q Project/Lab has been all about quality use of research as a professional practice. Building on this Award, we look forward to doing even more to strengthen the relational dimensions of research-informed improvement in schools and systems."
Congratulations to Professor Rickinson and team!