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CIB-encouraged journal Facilities provides a platform for high-quality research papers focussing on how to best create successful and functional workplaces.

ISSN: 0263-2772
eISSN: 1758-7131

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

Facilities (F) investigates how people, property and process management expertise can underpin successful organizational functions in the workplace. This multidisciplinary journal monitors innovations in theory, tools, legislation and analysis techniques, as well as looking at practical applications of knowledge. It features original, refereed material which contributes to the advancement of research and practice, and is also a CIB Encouraged Journal.

In a world where economic and social factors are becoming ever more important for building development, this important journal offers practical, up-to-the-minute guidance on key issues, such as cost-effective development, environmentally responsible building, and maximisation of space resources.

This publication features expert papers on the latest developments in topics such as:

  • Intelligent buildings
  • Post-occupancy evaluation (building evaluation)
  • Relocation and change management
  • Sick building syndrome
  • Ergonomics and workplace design
  • Environmental and workplace psychology
  • Design and construction (link with facilities performance)
  • Energy consumption
  • Quality initiatives
  • Infrastructure management