The “Enrique Fernández Peña Award” for Accounting History

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal

The “Enrique Fernández Peña Award” for Accounting History was established in 1995 by the Spanish Accounting and Business Administration Association (AECA).  The Award is in homage and honour of the memory of the illustrious professor and accounting professional Enrique Fernández Peña.

The Prize is awarded annually to the work on Accounting History, written by Iberian authors (Portuguese or Spanish), which, in the opinion of the evaluating Jury, is the most outstanding and has made the best contribution to the discipline.
This year the Enrique Fernández Peña Award has been presented to Fernanda Leão, Delfina Gomes and Garry Carnegie as co-authors of the article entitled “The portrayal of early accountants in nineteenth century Portuguese literature", published in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (AAAJ), Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 658-688.  It is indeed most pleasing for this Award to be associated with AAAJ in 2019. Congratulations are extended to the authors.


Award ceremoneyEnrique Fernandex Pena AwardPena Award