Vision 2050@ Agri-Food Processing Challenges


The world population will see incessant growth on the 21st century as per the estimates of United Nations. There is possibility of a 50% increase in population in the next 40 years, which might lead to a population of 9 billion by 2037 (United Nations: World Population Prospects: The 2015). The population growth will eventually lead to the problem for agri-food industry to address the issue of food unavailability, provide employment, helps in economic growth, and impacts environment (Romanello and Veglio, 2022). This special issue sheds light on the various domains of the agri-business sector for developing an understanding and offering insights on the strategies that can be used to achieve the future goal. It aims to contribute case studies related to business processes, innovations, opportunities, challenges and their solutions from the agri-business perspective keeping in mind a vision for the year 2050..

Submission Deadline: 14th Jan 2025

Aims and Scope: The aim of this special issue is to improve understanding about the existing and forthcoming challenges in the agri-food industry.

Indicative themes: The themes of this special issue concern all the food processing organizations in India and around the globe, whether small, medium or large scale in the domains of human resources, marketing, strategy, finance, entrepreneurship, agri-business and operations.

Along with these broad theme categories, this issue calls for case studies on:

  • Employee engagement, job crafting, psychological detachment
  • Workforce diversity and collective work culture
  • Personal effectiveness, emotional labor, emotions
  • Workplace spirituality and motivation
  • Food Supply Chain
  • Food Allergens
  • Climate Change and its impact on food security and properties
  • How the new temperature distribution would affect food production
  • Green finance
  • Climate finance
  • Investments in clean energy
  • Sustainability in food production
  • Global operations value chain
  • Behavioural operations management
  • Supply chain integration
  • Strategic sourcing
  • Digital technologies in agri-business
  • Emerging business models
  • Supply chain/Value chain advancement
  • Entrepreneurial finance
  • Entrepreneurship, regions & regional development
  • Sustainable behaviour
  • Sectoral entrepreneurship
  • Strategy & strategic planning
  • Private & public sector strategies
  • Interface between external & internal analysis
  • Balances scorecard
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Branding & strategy
  • Digital marketing
  • Market penetration & challenges

Submission Guidelines:

In preparing cases, Authors are asked to follow the standard EMCS Author Guidelines available from the dropdown menu at

A submitted Case document should: 
- Include primary data gathered from interviews with the protagonist, or well sourced secondary data supporting the protagonist's voice.
- Be written in the past tense.
- Be focused on a compelling management decision-making dilemma facing the protagonist
- And have no more than 7,000 words of case narrative.

The accompanying Teaching Note document should include: 
- An appropriate synopsis describing the context of the case, the dilemma being faced, and the discipline the case is relevant for.
- A set of teaching objectives appropriate for the stated target audience.
- A research methods section that details the types of data used to develop the case.
- A 90-minute multi-media teaching plan, including suggested classroom facilitation questions and activities.
- A set of assignment questions that align with the teaching objectives, and relate to the dilemma being faced in the case.
- Recent literature, theory, or research findings to analyse the case study and provide model answers to the assignment questions.
- A specific set of instructions as to how this case can be used in an online environment and the ways in which an educator might want to consider adapting the teaching plan to use it in this way.
- An epilogue of the case, of what really happened, if known (non-mandatory)

Templates, guides, and other author resources are available via the EMCS main webpage above.

To submit your case, first create an author account at, then follow the on-screen guidance.

Please select the " Vision 2050@Agri-Food Processing Challenges" option when prompted to choose from issue options. If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact the EMCS Publisher, Melissa Close at [email protected]

All cases will be double-blind peer-reviewed before acceptance.

Submission Opens: 30th September 2024 Submission Deadline: 14th January 2025

About the Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection
Emerald Publishing's Emerging Markets Case Studies (ISSN: 2045-0621) is a Scopus-ranked online collection of peer-reviewed case studies focusing on business decision making and management development working in or closely with developing economies, offering local perspectives with global appeal. In 2018, EMCS cases were downloaded over 75,000 times by students and faculty around the world, and has published content from 71 countries. 

Authors will be eligible for a payment of £100 upon publication of their case study.