Revolutionizing Workplace Efficiency with VR/AR, IoT, and AI: Future Office Innovations

Submission deadline date: 15 April 2025


This special issue aims to explore the integration of advanced technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the design, construction, and maintenance of workplaces. By examining how these technologies can enhance end-user satisfaction, productivity, and overall efficiency, the issue will present empirical research, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications. Additionally, the issue will delve into the concept of Metaverse Offices, highlighting the potential future landscapes of workplace environments and introducing a futuristic perspective on workplace design and functionality.

List of topic areas

  • VR/AR in Workplace Design and Simulation
  • IoT-Driven Smart Workspaces
  • AI Applications in Facility Management
  • Metaverse Offices
  • Impact on End-User Satisfaction and Productivity

Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available here.

Author guidelines must be strictly followed. Please see:  journal’s author guidelines hyperlink

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to "Please select the issue you are submitting to". 

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else while under review for this journal.

Click here to submit!

Key deadlines

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 15th April, 2025