Main conference: June 26-27, 2025
Emerging Scholars Colloquium - ESC: June 25, 2025
Deadline for submission of full papers (main conference and ESC): February 28, 2025
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2025
Conference venue: Prama Sanur Beach Hotel, Bali, Indonesia.
The Accounting and Accountability in Emerging Economies* (AAEE) Conference will provide a high-profile forum for academics, policy makers, research students and other key stakeholders to discuss issues relating to, and deepening and broadening knowledge of, the role accounting and accountability in emerging economies; and to build and consolidate a network of active institutions, scholars and policy makers involved in accounting, accountability and global development research. This year’s theme is "Sustainable Development and Accountability in Emerging Economies."
The Conference welcomes research papers using diverse methodological and theoretical approaches which highlight their policy and practical implications. Further, it seeks to engage researchers, policy makers, consultants and development scholars in generating ideas on how accounting and accountability can enhance economic and social development. The conference is hosted in Indonesia for the first time, in collaboration with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Udayana University, and in association with the Centre for Accountability and Global Development, University of Essex.
The Conference is supported by the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies (JAEE – Scopus Q1). A special issue call will be sent out to presenters separately following the Conference. Papers must be submitted to the Conference online submission portal (to be announced soon) for consideration. Submissions may be made directly to the Journal if the participants wish their papers to be considered for a regular issue of the Journal ( The Conference is also supported by the Journal of Indonesian Economics and Business (JIEB – Scopus Q3), published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University.
Research themes of the Conference are as follows (this list is indicative and not exhaustive):
- Accountability, Global Development and Governance
- Accounting, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Financial and Non-Financial Reporting & Regulations o Corporate Governance
- Auditing, Fraud and Corruption
- Managerial Controls
- Islamic Finance, Micro-Finance and SMEs
- Culture, Gender, Religion, Ethnicity and History
All papers will be reviewed before being accepted to the Conference. Authors will be notified of the organizing committee’s decision by March 31, 2025. We look forward to receiving submissions to the Conference.
For more information such as keynote speakers, locations, and updates, please refer to our website.
Main Conference stream: [email protected]
Emerging Scholars Colloquium stream: [email protected]
*Emerging Economies include both transitional (post-communist) and less developed countries