Call for papers from Therapeutic Communities

Editor in Chief:

Dr. Jenelle Clarke


The International Therapeutic Communities Journal welcomes papers that draw upon qualitative and quantitative research, as well as papers that stem from lived experience of both staff and clients.

Therapeutic community principles and practice represent an internationally diverse range of stakeholder interests. This journal provides a forum in which those engaged in developing, managing and sustaining therapeutic cultures can publish original research, communicate experiences, consider the effects of political and social policy on their own settings, disseminate ideas, developments and findings, and communicate good practice.

We welcome submissions on topics including (but not limited to):

  • Therapeutic environments
  • Enabling environments
  • Group and organizational approaches to mental health practice
  • Trauma based approaches in groups
  • Organizations and institutions
  • Placed based approaches, focusing across a range of settings where mental health and well-being is a key concern, including, schools, prisons, wards, day centres, recovery colleges, etc
  • Schools and educational environments
  • Community settings and initiatives
  • Arts and culture
  • Orthopedagogy

The journal is interested in papers that describe co-constructed practices, peer led and peer relational practices, including accounts of lived experience. The focus for research in the journal is broad, including outcomes facing studies, case study, qualitative approaches, clinical trials, systematic and conceptual reviews etc.
We also welcome proposals for special issues.

Submission Details

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available by clicking the button below.

Submit your paper here!

Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

If you have any queries or would like to propose a topic for a future special issue of the Journal, please get in contact with the Publisher Aggie Topolska [email protected]