Advancing Performance Management in Healthcare: Harnessing Digital Technology for Knowledge Integration and Value Creation



The healthcare sector is undergoing a profound digital transformation, with new digital technologies redefining operational frameworks and making healthcare organisations smarter and more responsive.

Digitalisation enables healthcare providers to leverage clinical performance data for iterative knowledge-building and decision-making. By creating continuous learning cycles, digital insights inform new care models and management strategies, paving the way for more personalised and effective healthcare, as well as agile, improvement-focused organisational management.

While existing research has largely centred on the clinical impacts of digital transformation, there remains a gap in understanding its influence on healthcare management practices. This special issue invites contributions that explore how digital technology reshapes performance management within healthcare settings. By offering real-time, data-driven dashboards and analytics, modern performance management systems empower healthcare managers, clinicians, and practitioners to make informed decisions swiftly, leading to enhanced organisational outcomes.

We welcome submissions that critically examine these emerging trends, providing insights into the impact of digitalisation on healthcare management, knowledge integration, and continuous performance improvement.


List of topic areas

This Special Issue seeks papers addressing the following questions:

· Which digital technologies support decision-making processes in healthcare, and how?

· How do new digital technologies enable the measurement of performance features and dimensions that were previously unappreciable?

· How are new digital technologies reshaping the storage, sharing, and use of knowledge within healthcare organizations?

· How can healthcare organizations integrate new digital technologies to improve theirknowledge management and performance measurement strategies, supporting value creation?

· How do DT-enabled PM systems support quality improvement initiatives in healthcare, such as patient safety, clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction?

· What are the perspectives of healthcare professionals and administrators regarding the usability, acceptance and perceived benefits of DT-based PM systems?

· What are the main barriers and challenges associated with the implementation and adoption of DT for PM in healthcare, and how can these be addressed?

· How are privacy and security concerns addressed in DTs used for PM in healthcare, especially considering the sensitivity of patient data?


Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available at:

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Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.


Key deadlines

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 15/07/2025