Theories Bridging Ethnography and Evaluation book cover

We seek schooling and educational ethnographies from around the world that also concern themselves with larger questions addressing poverty, power, language, race, underachievement, public health, immigration, juvenile in/justice, inequality, homelessness, housing, neighborhood and community re/development, un/employment, and the environment.

ISSN: 1529-210X

Aims and scope

The primary objective of Studies in Educational Ethnography is to present original research monographs or edited volumes based on ethnographic perspectives theories and methodologies.

Such research will advance the development of theory practice policy and praxis for improving schooling and education in neighbourhood communities and global contexts.

In complex neighbourhood communities and global contexts educational ethnographies should situate themselves beyond isolated classrooms or single sites and concern themselves with more than narrow methodological pursuits. Rather the ethnographic research perspectives and methodologies featured in this series should extend our understandings of sociocultural educational phenomena and their global and local meanings.

Studying classrooms and educational communities without a concomitant understanding of the dynamics of broader structural forces renders ethnographic analyses potentially incomplete.

This title is aligned with our quality education for all goal

We believe in quality education for everyone, everywhere and by highlighting the issue and working with experts in the field, we can start to find ways we can all be part of the solution.

SDG 4 Quality education
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 16 Peace, justice & strong institutions
Find out about our quality education for all goal